
Forgetfulness of authentic politics

 Part One Each child and next generation is indoctrinated to believe that the delegation of power is the best governmental system in the present, giving only in theory to individuals who sell themselves as correct, who are falsely morally superior to all, and who in their egocentric imagination believe to be more intellectually capable to manage our lives and the direction of the development of this in society when there has always been a majority of intellectual individuals and highly capable of managing their own policy under the consensus of the people of the place they reside, these Gods are given the supposed right to make decisions of a social nature and mass by us, without the consent of any more than the false and supposed social contract that no one signs for which this is illegal in itself. When history actually proves that there is no incorruptible human being, given the nature of the man of personal enrichment this would tend to form a political oligarchy in power to re...