Forgetfulness of authentic politics

 Part One

Each child and next generation is indoctrinated to believe that the delegation of power is the best governmental system in the present, giving only in theory to individuals who sell themselves as correct, who are falsely morally superior to all, and who in their egocentric imagination believe to be more intellectually capable to manage our lives and the direction of the development of this in society when there has always been a majority of intellectual individuals and highly capable of managing their own policy under the consensus of the people of the place they reside, these Gods are given the supposed right to make decisions of a social nature and mass by us, without the consent of any more than the false and supposed social contract that no one signs for which this is illegal in itself. When history actually proves that there is no incorruptible human being, given the nature of the man of personal enrichment this would tend to form a political oligarchy in power to retain it and benefit from the compulsory contribution of the citizen through the legislative coercion of this democratic system, we are all without exception corruptible once put on the altar of power. Since its birth there has been no other purpose than illegal enrichment, falsely called the will of the people. When the average world citizen is extortioned to be part of it. No one is not exempt from contributing to or leaving the prevailing system without being imprisoned or paying an exorbitant sum to the will of the crowd without voice and without authority represented in the name of democracy which sounds very sublime in theory, but in practice is more than the same as the primitive law, the strong or who has the power of prevail violence controls the market economy under the regulation imposed by the state of turn, in this present old-fashioned and coercive Democracy, is more of the same evil for world society.

Part Two

It is to be expected of those who have the benefit of profiting from this system to hear them talk about economic and social progress in the history of man by falsely concluding that it is because of our current prevailing system and the capitalist economic system that it lives better when in reality this result is due to two factors alien to capitalism and democracy which are the development of technological tools given by science that are due to hundreds of thousands of years of hard work by intellectuals who have left us their legacy prior to the existence of these two systems, and their technological result was allowed by the primary work of the worker, the second point is the deregulated trade between individuals which does not exist in democracies or capitalism, since from its birth both control the market under regulations such as taxes and tariffs without the signature and voluntary agreement of any individual is to say democracia and capitalism from their birth in practice under state coercion It is historically irrefutable that capitalism in addition to having only been born on average 400 years ago is falsely appropriated of the term of market freedom when it has regulated from year 1 of its existence a free market that you have hundreds of thousands of years before it, the theory of these is alien to the utopian and non-existent reality propose, such chimera is defended by those who obviously have profits from these systems by putting a false idol that has not represented more than losses for the authentic free market, expanding the refutation of such a premise human progress is born in a pragmatic logical axiom of the creation of wealth by the first men, we know in history the first workers as gatherers and hunters allowed the first capital that was the surplus of food which allowed certain group sensed by their curiosity and intelligence had time to perfect certain specialized places of transportation of the workers to the world of communication, giving the first scientific and technological advances to the society, as well as the tools given to human development as the medical and medical industry. Since then, under such an initial premise, human progress has been developing for hundreds of thousands of years and extending its life to a more prosperous one that follows an intervention by a violent and dominant group that lives from parasitizing and filling the heads of its citizens with lies.

Part Three

As the average citizen is manipulated to worship these gods who proclaim to represent their ethical values and principles and economic goals that will be put into legislation, they are forgotten once they have power, demagogy will always persuade the voter’s hopes no matter how many times he makes the same mistake. There is even a controlled dissent that proposes to be a complete opposition to the established taking names that in practice do not represent liberals or libertarians, but in practice validate the same democratic system does not seek a substantial change but repeat, but with legislation more in favor of their political interests, but that in reality deceived the system in which they trust will not again reduce against itself, is an illusion of false control and power. When they are and will be violently subjected to government state legislation. They are misguided puppies who find pleasure in falsely correcting their opponent when he is in reality the only ally that he has to confront the power of turn, divided by irrelevant issues, defend the contradiction justify a bad action because they have positioned themselves in a trench where they feel passion and pleasure exorbitant in the feeling of tribal belonging to their political party, have no salvation their goal is not the solution of social problems but to defeat the opposing side and justify their mistakes as necessary for the process of change, which is nothing more than to retain or give power to a new oligarchy in charge of repressing them economically. 

Part Four

There is hope that eventually there will be a cyclical fall in the totalitarian control of the powerful. Thro history, regardless of their coercive, violent, and manipulative methods, they are exhausted against a furious crowd and certain groups of limited power that encourage revolution, and above all to the causality of their actions that under the universal law everything ends nothing is done to last forever, even the most refined system of dystopic control imagined in the fantasy of writers will perish. It is in that short period that it is given a new opportunity to be aware of its past and empathic with its fellowmen to raise the new utilitarian parameters of the new morality and will continue with the natural order of evolution of the approach to the best next social system for humanity, where we have for the first time the option of being replaced by beings objectively with an incorruptible moral and with all the perfect virtues in a being with which we all wish to have. We have been predetermined from our origins to the evasion of responsibility towards a being that meets the divine requirements of managing fruitfully our well-being in politics, we are heading towards a delegation of absolute power but we must ensure that when power is taken by this entity, the sacrifice of our freedom has been for the right values in each social sphere. 
